7 September 2021 Climate Action for Global Clean Air: UNIDO supports International Day of Clean Air for blue skies

While traditional industrial development has largely contributed to improved living conditions and economic growth across the world, it has also taken its toll on both the environment, particularly on air quality, and human health.


While traditional industrial development has largely contributed to improved living conditions and economic growth across the world, it has also taken its toll on both the environment, particularly on air quality, and human health. An article in the European Respiratory Review highlights “that both short- and long-term exposures to air pollution may be important aggravating factors for SARS-CoV-2 transmission and COVID-19 severity and lethality through multiple mechanisms.” Within this context, UNIDO’s mandate to promote industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability is more relevant than ever. Read more...

المنشورات الحديثة
النشرات الصحفية

أصدر نظام الإنذار والاستجابة لغاز الميثان 1200 إخطار إلى الحكومات والشركات يشير إلى انبعاثات كبيرة؛ لم يُستجب إلا لنحو 15 إخطارا منها.


يساعد برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة ستة بلدان تقع على طول الممر الشمالي على خفض تلوث الهواء وتقليص انبعاثات الغازات المسببة للاحتباس الحراري.