تحديثات بارزة

في اليوم الدولي لنقاوة الهواء من أجل سماء زرقاء، حان الوقت لبناء شراكات متعددة الأطراف، وتعزيز الاستثمار، وتحمل مسؤوليتنا المشتركة في معالجة تلوث الهواء. حان الوقت للاستثمار في #هواء_نقي_الآن.

في الفترة التي تسبق الاحتفال بـ #اليوم_العالمي_لنقاوة_الهواء، نستعرض تحديثات من منظومة الأمم المتحدة والشركاء وغيرهم للمساعدة في لفت الانتباه إلى التأثيرات الضارة الشديدة لتلوث الهواء على صحة الإنسان والمناخ والتنوع البيولوجي والنظم الإيكولوجية ونوعية الحياة بشكل عام.


Europe suffering from poor air quality

Aerial view of Athens
Unsplash/Ivan Karpov

98 per cent of people in Europe are breathing polluted air according to new findings from DW and the European Data Journalism Network, which analysed satellite data from the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS).

Some part of Europe are better than others, with the Po Valley in Italy, Athens, Barcelona and Paris affected worse than most. Yet 98 per cent of the population across Europe are breathing air more polluted than World Health Organisation guidelines.

Read the full article here.

Regional coalitions offer air pollution hope

Aerial view of rivers

Over the past few decades, countries all over the world have begun joining together to foster cooperation and mitigate the dangerous effects of transboundary air pollution. From Southeast Asia to the African continent and even the Arctic, more and more nations are joining together to address this shared emergency – so that now today 95 per cent of the Earth’s population is covered by air pollution-specific regional agreements, sparking hope for action to clean the air we all breathe.

Read the full article here.

How is air quality measured?

Map of air quality data

How exactly do we measure the quality of air? The technology differs depending where the air is being monitored. Some air quality monitors are outfitted with sensors designed to detect specific pollutants. Some use lasers to scan particulate matter density in a cubic metre of air, while others rely on satellite imaging to measure energy reflected or emitted by the Earth.

Read the full story here.

Silent killer: why children are uniquely vulnerable to air pollution

A baby being carried

To mark Clean Air for blue skies, UNICEF has released a video explaining why children are uniquely vulnerable to air pollution and extreme heat.

You can watch the full video here.

Starting Soon: Clean Air Commemoration at United Nations

Unsplash/Daryam Shamkali

The United Nations is marking International Day of Clean Air for blue skies at its New York headquarters at 10:30am local time today.

Starting soon: Clean Air Day Webinar

event flyer

An estimated 40 per cent of global waste is openly burned in landfills, backyards and other places. These fires drive climate change and release a toxic combination of pollutants into the air, contributing to more than 1 million deaths worldwide each year.

This webinar will explore how the world can eliminate the open burning of waste, drawing experiences from across India and Africa. Sign up for free access now. 

Formula E aiming to change perception of electric vehicles


Air pollution
FIA Formula E

FIA Formula E aims to transfer technology from race track to road and inspire innovation –accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles to drive the race for clean air forward.

Formula E – the world's first electric motorsports brand – is also advocating the global adoption of clean mobility by enhancing technologies, working with cities to improve infrastructure and raise awareness of the benefits of electric vehicles, which is one of the most effective means of tackling urban air pollution.

Formula E partnered with UNEP in 2017 and has continued to raise awareness on the impacts of air pollution.

Read more here

Wildfires stoke air pollution crisis

Haze from wildfires in New York City
UN Photo/Loey Felipe

From Greece to Canada to Russia, it has been another long summer of wildfires in the northern hemisphere. And aside from the devastation such fires have on local communities and ecosystems, they contribute hugely to air pollution, sometimes thousands of kilometres away

Ireland celebrates Clean Air Day for first time

Ireland clean air day logo

Ireland is celebrating International Day of Clean Air for blue skies for the first time with a number of events on in the southern city of Cork.

Highlights of the day include a light show at Cork City Hall, an air quality information hub hosted in the Library on Grand Parade, a lunch-time cycle to Fitzgerald’s Park and an evening time Clean Air Day Roundtable discussion in City Hall.

You can find more information here.

Improving pollution action in Latin America and the Caribbean


Aerial view of Mexico City
Unsplash/Dennis Schrader

Long-term cleaner air can be achieved in the region with more sharing of data and more coordination, according to a new article from the Stockholm Environment Institute. The air pollution problem in the region is acute: In 2023, local governments in Bogota Santiago and Lima declared environmental alerts due to the high concentrations of particulate matter, which are tiny particles such as dust, dirt, soot and other solids and liquids in the air.

Read the full article here.