2 September 2021 Clean Air Catalyst launches in Indore, India

Indore, India is one of three cities that will partner with the Clean Air Catalyst on a multi-year project to deliver cleaner air to its citizens and deliver local health, climate and economic benefits.


Indore, India is one of three cities that will partner with the Clean Air Catalyst on a multi-year project to deliver cleaner air to its citizens and deliver local health, climate and economic benefits. On Clean Air Day, the Chief Minister of the State of Madhya Pradesh and local leaders from the Indore Municipal Corporation and Pollution Control Board join representatives from the US Agency for International Development and WRI India to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to officially launch the project. Clean Air Catalyst is a global consortium of air quality, health, policy, and communications experts partnering with public, private, and community leaders to advance tailored, data-driven solutions to their most pressing pollution problems. Find out more.


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