As we celebrate the first International Day of Clean Air for blue skies on 7 September 2020, it is time to reflect. How big a problem is air pollution today? What is happening to reduce harmful emissions that pollute our air, our climate, our lungs? Are we on track with reductions? Are we saving human lives through our actions?
Read the full story here.
Our new report provides the only global overview of funding for #airquality initiatives, and the first assessment of government financing for this issue.
Find out more: https://t.co/jdnSijMfQt#WorldCleanAirDay pic.twitter.com/VRNiek35MK
— Clean Air Fund (@cleanairfund) September 7, 2020
The State of Global Air Quality Funding 2020 provides an analysis of global Official Development Finance and foundation funding flows towards outdoor air quality initiatives between 2015 and 2019. Its aim is to identify gaps in funding and opportunities for strategic investment and collaboration to deliver clean air for all.
Read the full report launched by the Clean Air Fund on the first International Day of Clean Air for blue skies.
Today is the very first International Day for Clean Air. Environmental lawyer Bronya Lipski shares this piece as new reports show the alarming health burden from unregulated air pollutants in Australia.
Read the full piece here.
What are you doing to clear the air?
Join the conversation: #CleanAirForAll
What are you doing to clear the air?
Join the conversation: #CleanAirForAll
In 2019, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) made recommendations for Kazakhstan to improve how it raises awareness on air pollution and alerts the public of high pollution levels, including by involving citizen science. Since, 49 LED screens have lit up across Almaty, displaying air quality data drawing from citizens.
Read the full story here.
It's up to our governments and the ?? to make this happen.
Here are six things they can do to #ClearTheAir we breathe.https://t.co/1K7jgZg5ee @EU_ENV @VSinkevicius @EU_Health @EUAgri @EU_Growth @Transport_EU #WorldCleanAirDay
— EEB (@Green_Europe) September 7, 2020
What are you doing to clear the air?
Join the conversation: #CleanAirForAll
World Athletics supports @UNEP in its mission to #ClearTheAir
Our Clean Air campaign began two years ago and is part of World Athletics’ commitment to a cleaner, greener and more equitable world.
More information on our Sustainability Strategy: https://t.co/ILOUXFiu6s pic.twitter.com/NFiJUWhwXm
— World Athletics (@WorldAthletics) September 7, 2020
What are you doing to clear the air?
Join the conversation: #CleanAirForAll
What: Videos tackle burning questions on air pollution and health in short, pithy interviews with experts, government officials, researchers and WHO staff from around the world.
Read the full story here.
What: Harmful air quality has often highlighted Chennai's air pollution problem. This International Day of Clean Air for blue skies, we're hosting a Town Hall discussion with elected city representatives, experts, and concerned students. It will focus on how we can work towards achieving clean air and better health for Chennai. Ultimately aiming for a #CleanAirBharat.
Moderated by Archanaa Seeker, Researcher and Writer
Join here.